How To Access Eldest Souls Depths Of The Forgotten Dlc

Eldest Souls isn’t the biggest game and isn’t too complex to explore, but the entrance to the Depths of the Forgotten is hidden well enough without being buried behind arcane requirements. How How to Access the Depths of the Forgotten DLC in Eldest Souls You’ll need to defeat four of Eldest Souls’ eight bosses to even have access to the door leading to the Depths of the Forgotten DLC. After beating The Watchdog, The Guardian, Eos, God of Unity, and Azikel, God of Light, head through the previously barred gate into the castle....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 406 words · Mark Felton

How To Break Large Rocks In Harvestella Harvestella

How to Break Large Rocks in Harvestella You need to upgrade your hammer to break large rocks. Your default hammer is only good for the small, normal rocks scattered around your farm. It won’t make a dent on the large rocks, no matter how many times you try hitting them, so don’t waste your stamina. Working around the large stones may seem frustrating at first, but it won’t take long before you can get a new hammer....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 282 words · Richard Lavallee

How To Choose The Best Bedroom Wall Colors For Sleep

It’s important to remedy these anxieties (you could try learning some relaxation tips for sleep (opens in new tab)) in order to stay as well rested as possible, and one great way of rethinking your slumber space is to give it a make-over with one of the best bedroom wall colors for sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation (opens in new tab), the color of your bedroom walls can have an effect on your restful state due to how your eyes process different shades....

December 24, 2022 · 5 min · 924 words · Robert Babino

How To Complete Ally Crash Landing In Fallout 76 Fallout 76

Since you can now recruit allies to help you out in Wastelanders, completing this quest is a good way to provide a general boost to your overall power in the wasteland. Commander Daguerre, a badass who is more than ready and willing to help you take out anything foolish enough to stand in your way, is a good ally to have. You need to be able to find them first, though, and then you’ll need to scratch their back before they’ll watch yours....

December 24, 2022 · 3 min · 457 words · Rickey Elmore

How To Curse Equipment In Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds Fandomspot

After that, go to the Javir Brothers — an NPC located at the Burning Desert via Fast Travel. There, you can Enhance any gear you have that reached +20 Enhance. Enhancing +20 Equipment pieces is quite expensive in terms of Territe and the materials you need (not to mention very risky), so make sure you only do this for Equipment you’ll use regularly. How To Curse Equipment (Step-By-Step) Here’s how to curse your Equipment in NNK:CW, along with more details about the whole process....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 422 words · Timothy Ewings

How To Eat In Kenshi Just Do It Kenshi

Well, it’s halfway one of them – you’ve certainly got a lot more to worry about, but you’ve got to eat or you’ll wither away and die. There are two steps to eating: Have food Get hungry After both steps are completed, your character will automatically eat any food you may have in your inventory. Really, that’s it. You don’t have to manually eat. You can purchase food stuffs from traders or make it yourself....

December 24, 2022 · 1 min · 147 words · Charles Demaire

How To Farm F2P Asterite In Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds

Where you farm Asterite depends entirely on which game mode you prefer or excel at, because both sources are equally viable if you have what it takes to get into the high rankings. What is Asterite Used For? Asterite is among the rarest and most valuable resources in the game. You can use them to buy items from the Asterite Exchange Shop. A lot of cosmetics and account growth materials are available here, but for F2P players, I recommend saving your Asterite exclusively for these items: You can also exchange Asterite for Territe, but this process requires Black Diamonds which are the game’s purely premium currency....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 314 words · Robert Finder

How To Farm Fire Blood Gemstones In Bloodborne Fandomspot

This farming method can be carried out by characters of any level, so long as they can meet the requirements to open the Dungeon. We’ll run you through exactly how to carry out this farming method below. Step 1: L Entering The Chalice Dungeons The best way to farm for Fire Blood Gemstones is by using a glyph to generate a specific Chalice Dungeon. Before you can do this you’ll have to collect the Pthumeru Root Chalice....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 419 words · William Shaw

How To Farm Gold In Epic Seven Best Methods Fandomspot

Sanctuary (Heart of Orbis) Hunt Stages during “Blessing of Wealth” events Along with these two are other lesser-known and underrated farming methods. We’ll cover all the best ways to get Gold in this guide, since even the alternative methods will still give you significant gains Gold-wise in the long run. Heart of Orbis Collecting your accumulated rewards in the Sanctuary’s Breath of Orbis every day is by far the most consistent method of farming Gold and Skystones passively....

December 24, 2022 · 5 min · 907 words · Elizabeth Mcclure

How To Farm Mystery Goo In Kingdom Hearts Kh1.5 Fandomspot

And these fungal heartless all have different methods of goo acquisition. Tip: Returning to the Gummi Ship or Title Screen resets the RNG of Mushrooms appearing. If you’re having trouble encountering them, give this a try! White Mushroom Farming White Mushrooms require you to watch their actions and react accordingly. Get it right three times in a row and you’ll be rewarded – although Mystery Goo only has a 10% chance of being that reward....

December 24, 2022 · 5 min · 1062 words · Walter Fitzsimmons

How To Get A Dramen Staff In Old School Runescape Fandomspot

This requires level 31 Crafting, 36 Woodcutting, and partial completion of the Lost City quest. If you haven’t started the Lost City quest, the first thing to do is make your way to the Lumbridge Swamp, find a campfire surrounded by a Warrior, a Monk, an Archer, and a Wizard. Talk to the Warrior and start the quest. Then try to cut a tree with only a Chop option north of the campfire and a leprechaun will appear....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 412 words · Gerald Moye

How To Get All Of Kimahri S Overdrives In Ffx

When Kimahri learns a new Overdrive with Lancet, his Overdrive gauge will fill up immediately. Most of Kimahri’s Overdrives are offensive in nature but he does have a few that can be used for support. Below we’ve added a table of every fiend that offers a unique Overdrive for Kimahri, along with the exact location of where you can the enemy. All of Kimahri’s Overdrives While you can’t really miss out on any of Kimahri’s Ronso Rages, there are some that will benefit you greatly by obtaining them as soon as you can....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 231 words · Sylvia Muro

How To Get Destiny 2 Fatebringer Legendary Hand Cannon Destiny 2

With the right rolls, there are few weapons, not just hand cannons, that feel quite like Destiny 2’s Fatebringer, even in Season of the Splicer’s crowded field of high-quality options. This Destiny 2 guide goes over what to look for when farming Fatebringer, as well as how to farm it efficiently. It also goes over Fatebringer god rolls to be mindful of. How to Get the Destiny 2 Fatebringer Hand Cannon You can only get your hands on the Destiny 2 Fatebringer hand cannon in one place: the Vault of Glass raid....

December 24, 2022 · 4 min · 796 words · Elizabeth Ream

How To Get The Gutsy Bat In Earthbound Fandomspot

Although it’s slightly weaker than the Legendary Bat, The Gutsy Bat offers a whopping 127 bonus to Ness’ Guts stat. Unfortunately the only way to obtain the Gutsy Bat is from a super rare drop from the Bionic Kraken enemies in the Cave of the Past. Finding Cave of the Past Cave of the Past is the final dungeon in Earthbound. Once you’ve completed Ness’ dream section of the game, your next destination will be Saturn Valley....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 405 words · Charles Dunn

How To Get Vilucha In Ffx Location Blitzball Info Fandomspot

She can be recruited at any time onto the Besaid Aurochs. And as a free agent, she is always available. Her cost is 320 gil per game. Who is Vilucha? While outwardly she gives the impression of being a humble country girl, Vilucha is actually a pretty impressive blitzball player. I guess being around the Aurochs must have left an impression on her (though funny enough, she’s much better than any of the initial members)....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 279 words · Michael Hart

How To Install Fallout 4 Mods On Xbox One Fallout 4

Keep in mind that installing mods will make a separate save file for your character, and achievements are disabled on that file. How to Install Mods on Xbox One The first thing you need to do is sign up for a account if you don’t already have it. You can do this at the official site. You will also need a valid email address because you must verify your account by clinking the link they give you in the email....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 311 words · Diana Fietek

How To Make A Posse Play With Friends In Red Dead Online

Forming a posse will help you get money faster, overcome harder missions quicker, and let you stay alive longer while exploring in free roam. In other words, the posse system is the co-op element of Red Dead Online that you definitely want to take advantage of whenever you can. To do that, you need to know how to form a posse and the differences between the types available. How to Join and Make a Posse in Red Dead Online To join a posse:...

December 24, 2022 · 3 min · 487 words · Phoebe Cruz

How To Make Paper In Spiritfarer Fandomspot

However, you can’t make this item until you’re asked to later in the game. And Stanley the spirit will be the one that introduces it to you as part of his many requests. Furthermore, you also need to build the sawmill and kitchen, as well as acquire the kitchen improvement from Atul the spirit. This guide will give you a complete breakdown of everything you need to get some paper....

December 24, 2022 · 5 min · 925 words · Nora Brown

How To Save Printer Ink And Print More Efficiently

Yes, you can simply buy cheap printer ink by using our best discount ink cartridges (opens in new tab) deals guide but if you’re printing incorrectly you’ll just end up buying more and more. By getting your printing more efficient you can save money by making the ink you have last longer so you need not buy so much. Here’s everything you need to know about how to save printer ink and print more efficiently....

December 24, 2022 · 4 min · 730 words · Delia Reed

How To Spend Your Stimulus Money In Grand Theft Auto Online Grand Theft Auto Online

I heard last week that the stimulus package was releasing soon and I actually signed into GTA Online this morning to see if the money had been released yet. As soon as I signed online, I was greeted with a message that said that Rockstar has deposited $500,001 to my in-game bank account. After a quick “woot woot,” I immediately began planning how to best spend my newly acquired wealth....

December 24, 2022 · 5 min · 929 words · Oliver Vigil