GS: First off, what is your experience with developing video games?

GS: The Dwarves is based on a fantasy series by Markus Heitz. Do you plan to make more games based off of his other books?

GS: I understand you want the game to stay as true to the books as it can possibly be, but do you plan to add extra content that isn’t in the books?

 GS: Besides the books by Markus Heitz, what inspired you to make The Dwarves?

GS: The game still has 16 days left on Kickstarter. What are your plans if the game doesn’t reach its funding goal? Any chance of a relaunch?

GS: What was the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far with making and funding the game?

GS: Do you plan to add any DLC to the game once it’s released?

 GS: Do you plan on making any games in the future that are not The Dwarves-related?

 GS: My final question, what advice would you give to anyone who wants to make their own video game?

Thank you, Mr. Rosenberg, for your time.

With only 19 days left for funding, it seems that the game will get completely funded. You can check out and even fund the project on the game’s KickStarter page here and be sure to check out the official website here.