RUtM isn’t just another action platformer as indicated by the game’s about section: 

The game is a constant, challenging foray into well animated locales and the supernatural perils they hide.

RUtM is the fourth entry in the Momodora series, a side-scrolling platformer focused on action gameplay, with melee combos, dodge mechanics and a plethora of items and spells to unleash upon your enemies. Play casually for the rich setting and mysterious story or crank up the difficulty to run your reflexes through a truly brutal gauntlet.

We spoke with RUtM developer/artist Rdein about the game, the series, his inspirations and even the series’ signature leaf.


JR: What inspired you to create Momodora (the series)?

JR: When did you realize that you wanted to become a developer and pursue that career?

JR: When playing RUtM, a NPC jokes that fighting with a leaf must be tough. Why the leaf? It is symbolic or running joke? Note: The leaf has been each heroine’s initial and primary weapon since the first title of the series.

JR: RUtM continues to raise the series’s benchmark for 2D animation. Where do you feel 2D animation will peak from a design standpoint, if at all? Have we barely seen anything yet?


JR: Whom would you say is the target audience for the Momodora series?

JR: The series is certainly no pushover. Why did you and the Bombservice team decide to make the series so difficult?

JR: What were some of the biggest hurdles during development of RUtM?

JR: Indie games have become more popular and recognized. Indie games as they stand now provide players with levels of diversity not seen among other games. Do you believe that this will change over time or remain the norm?

You can smite evil with a mighty leaf and explore a fluid 2D land in Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight, now available.