These are just the beginning questions for Battle Mode Royale.

“Hunger Games Meets Smash Brothers” is the beginning of the description for the Battle Mode Royale webseries trailer. Directed by Kevin Zeeff of Zeeff Productions, the YouTube webseries is pitting 26 famous video game characters against each other on an “island of death”. By the last episode, only one of them will be left standing.

If you love seeing poorly-costumed versions of iconic video game characters torn apart, then this might be right up your alley. Battle Mode Royale is a parody series set to begin October 15th, and will release on a bi-weekly schedule for a total of 20 episodes. The creators say that it will span for “several months,” but by literal calculations, expect the series to continue well into June 2016.

If you’re thirsty for more action, sexual references, toilet humor, and a peek at other characters being weird (like Banjo), check out their teaser from 2013.