Below you will find tips on how to farm each kind of medal, their typical drop rates, as well as, which items to purchase at the Exchange shop using these specific medals.
How to Farm Medals in NieR Reincarnation
Currently, there are four types of medals in NieR Reincarnation that can be exchanged at the shop:
Regular Medals Rare Medals Event Medals Mama Medals
Regular Medal Farm
Regular medals can be farmed by simply selling 2-star and 3-star weapons. Each weapon sold will give you a certain amount of regular medals:
1x 2-star weapon = 50x medals 1x 3-star weapon = 100x medals 1x 2-star distribution weapon = 5x medals 1x 3-star distribution weapon = 10x medals
It is also possible to ascend the 3-star weapons to make them drop more medals than usual. It is not recommended to ascend 2-star weapons, as this won’t increase the rate of the medal drops, so just sell all your 2-star weapons.
If you decide to ascend 3-star weapons, then use the following algorithm:
Obtain the Emil Heads daily weapons Ascend them at the shop to the max Equip those weapons into your main and secondary slots
You will notice that after completing each stage with these weapons, your medal drop rate will increase by 20-30%, which equals about 30-40 more medals per stage.
It is recommended to use regular medals at the Exchange shop to purchase stamina recovery items.
Rare Medal Farm
Rare medals can be farmed in the same way as the regular medals, but you need to sell 4-star weapons instead. One such weapon will yield 50x rare medals.
You can also ascend 4-star weapons and break through their limits in order to maintain a steady drop of rare medals.
Lastly, rare medals can also be obtained during the gacha conversion of a 4-star character.
It is recommended to use rare medals at the Exchange shop for purchasing large stamina recovery items.
Event Medal Farm
Players should always go through the effort to get event medals.
In order to get the most of event medals, players need to invest their regular and rare medals into stamina recovery. The more stamina you have, the more event medals you will be able to farm.
Reddit user x2madda has calculated the probabilities of event medal drops per stamina ratios during various stages of an event that have the highest event medals drop rates. Here they are:
This means that you need to focus on the hardest possible difficulty of the last stage to be able to get the highest farming rate of event medals.
You can also ascend event weapons in order to increase these numbers even further. Here is the complete breakdown of 3-star event weapons ascension levels and how many bonus event medals you will get:
Level 1 = +3 event medals Level 2 = +5 event medals Level 3 = +7 event medals Level 4 = +10 event medals
And, here’s the similar breakdown for 4-star event weapons:
Level 1 = +5 event medals Level 2 = +8 event medals Level 3 = +11 event medals Level 4 = +15 event medals
So, in order to obtain the maximum event medals per stage, increase your stamina and ascend your weapons as much as you can.
Mama Medal Farm
Mama medals are mainly used for summoning tickets of the 4-star characters, and thus are extremely rare. Currently, these medals can only be obtained by taking part in events and as a bonus reward for logging in.
These medals are not meant to be farmed by design, so don’t expect to get more than 1,000 per month. Here’s what you can exchange them for:
1x 4-star summoning ticket, 13x normal summoning ticket, +60 stamina 1x 4-star summoning ticket, 3x normal summoning ticket, +1000 stamina 20x normal summoning ticket, +1000 stamina
You can choose either of these three options depending on your needs.
That’s all you need to know on how to farm medals in NieR Reincarnation. You can also find other Nier Reincarnation tips and tricks articles on our dedicated hub page.